Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mr. Anna-- It is the means which matter

Anna Hazare will do well to remember that it is the means to achieve the goal which separate great men from the ordinary ones. there are many who who went to the extent of comparing him with Gandhi and JP forgetting that they were the people who would never resort to cheap means to achieve their ends. I am sure those who praised him sky high had not read Gandhi and a little they knew about him was from 'Lage raho Munna Bhai.'

I find nothing great in Anna Hazare except that he firmly pursued an issue which our country needed to address and displayed tenacity but that is not everything which makes a man great. He needs to disoplay pragmatism without compromising with convictions and values, patience and maturity also. Unfortunately Anna has not displayed these traits. I am afraid he may not end up being another Ram Dev with his these cheap tactics like taking sides in Hissar by-poll. Only the capacity to undertake Fast un to death does not make a man great. We had sant Feruman who undertook fast for Panjabi Suba way back in 1967and died after 84 days.

More over people like Gandhi were more happy with the change in people's thinking rather than relying upon some legislation. I am very confident Lok pal will not solve all the corruption related problems unless we also change. If by stroke of good luck, tremendous goodwill has visited Anna, he should not do the folly of squandering it.

People who find Anna as the epitome of honesty probably have very shellow knowledge of the our ancestors and even now there are many who are squeak and utterly honest.

Sardar Patel was pleading a case in the court, a peon came rushing to handover the telegram, but Sardar continued. When debate was over Sardar came to the chamber. There were tears in his eyes. When enquired Sardar told that his wife had died if he had disclosed in the court it would have taken away the precious time of the court.

I want my readers to read about Harry Trueman, President of America

When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he declined,stating, "You don't want me. You want the office of the President,and that doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the American people and
it's not for sale."

Even later, on May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he refused to accept it, writing, "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise."

As President he paid for all of his own travel expenses and food.

I have many anecdotes which I will share some other time.

After reading this I hope our people will stop considering Anna as the last word when it comes to honesty. I know of many people who would not have allowed Rs 2 lacs to be spent on their fecilitations what Mr Anna did.

Bhartendu sood

Bhartendu sood

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